Valdobbiadene, Italy
The hills of the Marca Trevigiana have long been noted for the quality of their white wine, popular since the Middle Ages. In the sixteenth century it was being exported to Venice, Germany and the Polish court. Following the phylloxera crisis in the late nineteenth century, Prosecco became the dominant grape. It flourished in the green hills, protected by the Dolomite mountains to the north. It proved to be the vehicle of a vigorous viticultural renaissance, one in which the Adami family fully participated.
Today Armando and Franco Adriano have followed in the footsteps of their father, Adriano and grandfather, Abele. Graduates of oenology, they bring technical refinement to the traditional search for quality. Today they are recognized as leaders in high-quality Prosecco production.
Adami Col Credas Prosecco Valdobbiadene
Adami Bosco di Gica Prosecco Valdobbiadene
Adami Garbel Prosecco Valdobbiadene
Adami Vigneto Giardino Prosecco Valdobbiadene
Adami Cartizze Prosecco Valdobbiadene
Point of Sale
Adami Prosecco Garbel Brut - ST
Adami Prosecco Garbel Brut (Boston Globe) - ST
Adami Prosecco Sup Bosco di Gica (Globe Sparklers) - ST
Adami Prosecco Sup Bosco di Gica (WA 91 Italy’s Finest Values) - ST
Adami Prosecco Valdobbiadene Giardino (WA 91 Italy’s Finest Values) - ST